Wednesday 15 January 2014

Chilled weekend

Hey lovelies

My weekends been very busy and eventful lately but i had nothing planned this week which is lovely as it means i can take some time by myself and where i want to be. So i decided to have a little walk around by myself and uexploring my area. I loved it, i used the time to reflect about my life and ME. The weather was rather chilly but the sun was shining brightly which brightens my day. Everything's been rather stressful recently; school work, family problems, everything and i've calmed down a little after having this little walk. Everything was so calmed and quite. Sometime all we need is just some time alone by ourself, no one around to complicate anything. Although i had a little company, music. Music is my escape from everything. And of course nothing can be complete with a coffee by my side.

I couldn't help myself but explore and have a look at the new vintage house interior shop that's only been opened. This only means one thing; Shopping time! One of my favourite things to do. I just couldn't help it okay haha. There was so many things i'd love to buy, i adore everything that was there. But i'm sticking with my New Year resolution which was to save up. I have to go back another time though.

It was so hard to choose on what to buy but at the end i got this notice board. It's a great main piece to hang it up in my room. It looks great in my opinion to fill empty space in the wall and it's also very beneficial to me as I always forget to do things and using this I could write down little things and clip it or I could even clip pictures. 

Thank you for reading, hope you're having a good day! 
Alya x

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