Saturday, 2 November 2013


How was your halloween this year guys?
Mine had its ups and downs haha. Mine started with me and my brother fighting just before we were going to the party. My brother kicked me in my mouth so it was bleeding. While my sister was laughing thinking it's fake blood and that we're acting. No. It's real blood. But anyway, i went to a halloween party and it was really good even though i don't think the amount of sweets i ate was good, oops. I also went trick of treating but only for a bit because it was too cold haha. This takes me to my next point, i do not understand how some girls can manage wearing very little amount of clothing items, i was wearing a jumper and tights & i was freezing but this is just me. Also is it just me who used to say trickle treat instead of trick or treat when i was little haha

I dress up as "day of the dead" which is a mexican celebration. It's a really cool thing to research actually. I concentrate on the make up but it's not so good as i had to rush getting ready and it keeps going wrong so yeah, i do think that it's really shit.  I didn't go all out with my costume because the party was a short notice so i didn't have time to plan it all. But i mainly go with the colour black because i think it symbolizes dead things which is what i tend to be. i also wear my velvet skirt. I will be writing a blog post about my new purchased including this skirt soon so look out for it. I wore this because it gives a vintage look which i also think that it links to the whole "day of the dead". For a side kick i've got this doll that my sister has and i kinda put a bit of make up to make it look a bit scary and dead, i also broke its neck so it'll look better when i hold it.

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