Monday, 21 October 2013


Year after year, this event has always been the one people look forward to. Hull fair.
Dark sky.Screams in the air. Colorful pretty lights are on. The weather takes it turn to the cold, windy and rainy season. People are all wrapped up for it. Time for big, fluffy jackets, hats and scarfs. The atmosphere is unforgettable and so is the memory i made there.

Before, i always go with my family. But this year my parents let me go with my friends which is fab because it means that i can do what ever i want, talking 'bout freedom here. It's been crazy, like literally. But i loved every single minutes of it. Laughs all the way through it. Fear was there all the way through it as well as we brave our self to go on most of the rides. 

Selfie before fair haha
Had a brief talk about cheekbones on the way to fair
 as we really wish we had one, turns out we do have it ;)

I went twice this year, first Saturday and last Saturday. I think that Saturday is the only day that i'd actually go to as i don't have school that day or the day after which means i have more energy and can stay out till late at night without worrying about early mornings. Little did we know Lottie Tomlinson came the same day as we did. Shame we didn't know.

Hull fair can't be complete without the food. Brandy snap, Candy Floss, Burger, Curly Fries, Toffee Apples, are a must. So after we had enough of the rides, it's time to move on to food. Make sure to make the most of it as it's only once a year you can eat these type of food haha. Spend quite a lot of money on food but it was definitely worth it even though my weight is at risk.

The last saturday of Hull Fair, i only went with one of my friends; Emileigh as everyone was busy and we just wanted to walk around and get food. Turned out to be such a good night even tho it was raining most of the time. We saw so many good looking boys hahaha.  And as Troye Sivan said "some people call it stalking, i call it admiring from afar" haha

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