Monday, 6 January 2014

Leibster Award

Hey Lovelies 

I was tagged by quite a few people which I'm very thankful about and I want to thank these people so please check their blog and give them a cheeky follow;,

I feel like this award is a way of sharing a few personal things about yourself with other bloggers which allows you to get to know them better.

1.Thank the blogger who nominated you and make a post about the liebster award.
2.Write 11 interesting things about yourself
3.Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4.Nominate 11 other blogger(blog must have under 200 followers) and notify who you have nominated.
5.Write 11 questions for your nominees.

1. I'm from Indonesia but living in Hull, UK at the moment 
2.I'm allergic to the cold weather as I was born and raised in a tropical country 
3.I have a fear of cats 
4.I have a huge obsession with YouTubers 
5.None of my friends have the same music taste as me 
6.I drink tea/coffee every single day and in result of that, I'm obsessed with Starbucks and Costa 
7.My dream job is to be fashion designer and have my very own boutique 
8.I can NOT stand messy room 
9.My birthday is on August which is during summer holiday and in result of that, I've never had a birthday present from any of my friends 
10.I'm currently learning French and working very hard on it as I would love to live in Paris one day 
11.I love travelling 

Questions :

1.What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
It's the fact that I can express my opinion in a written piece of work and also I wanted to do something fashion related for my job in the future and I feel like blogging is a great way to experience and learn more beauty/ fashion related stuff by reading other blogs, I personally think it's a great community with many benefits. 

2.If you could only shop for clothes at one store what would it be?
It has to be Topshop, every time I go shopping Topshop is just a must. I love everything from there, the clothes and the makeup is a really good and very inexpensive in my opinion. 

3.Do you prefer winter or summer?
I prefer summer, purely because of the holiday and everything that I can do during that holiday. I love the weather, the festivals, the vibes everything. Although I still prefer Autumn/winter fashion. 

4.What is your favourite comfort food?
My favourite comfort food has always been pizza but lately I have become rather obsessed with eating fruits. 

5.Side part or middle part? 
Definitely side part. Middle part just doesn't suit me and I envy those girls who can rock middle part. 

6.Who is your style icon? 
It has got to be Zoe Sugg, also known as Zoella in the YouTube world. I also love Cara Delevigne style. 

7.What song do you currently have on repeat?
My current favourite is Piano by Ariana Grande, it's not my type of music but the song is upbeat and it just makes me happy which is what I needed to start 2014 

8.Dark or nude lips?

9.Which places are on you travel bucket list?
- Paris 
- LA
- Dubai
- Australia

10.Can you recommend an amazing book.
I highly recommend The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It has always been my favourite and still is. 

11.What are you looking forward to in 2014?
I'm just looking forward to spend more time with my beautiful best friends and we have so many plans up head such as shopping trip to London, The Janoskians concerts in the UK, Summer in the City and a lot more. 
And I also really want my blog to improve. 

Who I nominate : 

My Question for the Nominees

1.why did you start blogging?
2.If you had to give up one luxury what would it be?
3.What is your favourite TV program?
4.One thing you want to do before you die?
5.What is your favourite magazine?
6.Who is your style icon?
7.If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
8.What was the last thing you bought?
9.Do you sing in the shower?
10.If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
11.What are you most looking forward to?

Alya x