As I said on my last blog post, I am going to post regularly every Sunday and here I am! However as some of you might/ might not know, I still have a couple of exams to do and I haven't had chance to do anything else except revise, revise and revise. Therefore I thought it would be a great idea to share with you MY ways of revising and maybe it would help some of you!
To begin with, I need to get myself organised. By this I mean, I need to be in a room where everything's tidy. It makes me feel more calm and in the zone to learn. I always tend to open my windows to let fresh air in.
I usually take a shower before revising because it's just very refreshing, i also like wearing comfy clothes. I mean who doesn't haha.
Next up, i need to get some snacks and coffee! This part is very important to me as i get hungry very often and i always use the excuse to go downstairs and get some food but i always stay longer than i planned which is time wasting so it's better if i have food around me while i'm revising. I usually have fruits and maybe some biscuits. Moreover, i am a coffee addict so it's a must. But if you don't like coffee (which is very bizarre to me) get some other drinks, water is good especially cold water; it will keep you dehydrated and also refreshing.
Music can be a distraction to some people but to me , it helps me concentrate somehow. It makes me feel like i have a company haha.
Phone is a big distraction as i always just go on my social media such twitter, Instagram, etc. So keep it as far away as you can. I am quite attached to my phone so it is indeed very hard for me but it's for the best I guess. Just think that you can only sit the exam once, one opportunity and you can always go on your phone at any time possible.
I am completely aware that people revise in so many different ways and as I have shared my ways and tips on revising, it would be great if you could leave comments down below if you have other tips as it would be very helpful!